Which elevator is “right” for you?
Since 1957 Access has been answering this question for customers just like you from all over the New York metropolitan area. Every answer is unique — just like your home — addressing function, design and value.
It starts with the high-quality products from the country’s top manufacturers; followed by a cab design that best compliments your home’s structure, layout and interior. In the end, our customized solution will offer you the greatest value and highest quality possible within your defined budget.Our team of expert consultants pride themselves in assisting you and your construction team in developing the ideal elevator solution for your home. We will work seamlessly with your architect, builder, carpenters and electricians to ensure the installation goes smoothly and provides you with the superior craftsmanship, reliability and safety that has defined our company since 1957.
Performance, reliability, and customization are the cornerstones of Access Elevator’s premium elevator product line. Some of the additional benefits of Access’ elevator line include:
Frequently the size and dimension of your car is determines by the space into which it will be built. There is no such thing as a “custom” car size — in every case, we will size and fit the largest possible cab into the desired space as possible, at no additional cost to you. While we have to adhere to National Code, which restricts private residence elevator cabs to a maximum of 15 square feet, there is frequently more than one way to achieve this size.
Click ‘Drawings’ above to view a more detailed PDF of this configuration.